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ELEVATE your personal brand through EXPERT wardrobe styling.


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I know I'm biased, but I believe it starts in your closet. A beautiful space to walk into (or open up). Clothes that support you and your lifestyle and allow you to communicate to the world in your own unique way. A wardrobe you love ... and that loves you back.

Once you're in the zone, that liberating self expression helps you take flight. I've seen it hundreds of times. Are you ready to embrace and release your most confident self? Because if you are, you will experience life with renewed vigor.​ And it feels amazing.

Helping busy professional women dress their bodies so they FINALLY feel CONFIDENT & POWERFUL in and out of the office.

EST. 1998

YOUare a masterpiece waiting to be unveiled.

It's easy to lose sight of who we truly are. But the moment we break free from these molds, we unleash a happiness that shines from within, inspiring others to do the same.

Each of us is a unique masterpiece, waiting to be revealed to the world. Our personalities, passions and dreams are the vibrant colors that paint the canvas of our lives. Embracing our true selves means embracing these colors, blending them seamlessly and proudly displaying the masterpiece that is us. It's about embracing our strengths and quirks alike, without apology.

My mornings used to be filled with dread as I faced my closet, but now, thanks to Catherine, it's a joy. She didn't just help me reimagine my wardrobe, she gave me the confidence to step into any room feeling like I belong there.

When we dare to express who we truly are, we attract like-minded souls who appreciate us for who we are, not who we pretend to be. 

So, where does style come into play in all of this?

Style isn't just about following fashion trends. It's the language through which we silently communicate our identities to the world. It encompasses how we carry ourselves, the causes we support and the activities we engage in. Style is the outward expression of our inner selves, with the power to inspire, influence and make a positive impact.


When we express ourselves through style, we exude confidence and self-assurance. It's a visual testament to our comfort in our own skin and our pride in the journey that has shaped us. Style becomes a reflection of our inner growth and shapes the way others perceive us.

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C-level and
Executive Styling

Is your wardrobe holding you back from shining as brightly as you deserve in the boardroom? Do you find yourself spending precious moments stressing over what to wear instead of focusing on the game-changing decisions you're there to make? It's time to break free from the confines of uninspiring attire and step into your true power with confidence and style.

TISHA | State College, PA

So I've tried StichFix and Nordstrom personal shopping a couple of times now and hands down my best outfits and favorite items come from collaborating with you. You get me. You challenge me. You make sense. You are in high demand for a reason.

ERICA | Charlotte, NC

You've helped me find this funky, feminine style that I love and I'm so appreciative. You've given me the motivation and confidence to put together outfits I've always liked, yet thought I couldn't pull off. I cannot thank you enough and I love that you educate to enable. Life changing!


Thanks again for delivering so much wisdom and tutelage during your time with my wife. She's over the moon with excitement about her newfound style, and can't stop raving about how great the experience was. Nice work!

WARDROBE STYLIST / style coach / professional branding expert CONFIDENCE COACH professional wardrobe consultant STYLING ADVICE  

are your brand.

know what  to wear

Catherine Horgan | Wardrobe Stylist, Personal Brand Expert, Personal Stylist and Style Coach in North Carolina

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